License Terms
GPL-3 License
This game and its associated code, artwork, and assets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3). This license aims to promote freedom by allowing users to use, modify, and share the game while ensuring that any modifications remain open-source.
Under this license, you are free to:
Copy, modify, and distribute the game, even for commercial purposes, as long as any modifications or derivatives are also licensed under GPL-3.
Create derivative works based on the game, provided they are also shared under GPL-3 and include the source code for any modifications.
The full legal text of the GPL-3 license can be found here: GNU General Public License v3.0.
Exception for the Brand Name "Dragobits":
The brand name "Dragobits" is excluded from the GPL-3 license. Use of the "Dragobits" brand name, logo, or associated trademarks is prohibited without express written permission. This restriction protects the "Dragobits" brand identity while allowing the game itself to remain freely available and open for public use under GPL-3.
The game and its assets are provided "as-is," without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The creators are not liable for any claims, damages, or other liabilities arising from the use of the game or its assets.
By using, modifying, or distributing the game, you agree to the terms outlined in this license.
Last updated